Gamma World (Part 2) – New Toronto!

for those unaware, Gamma World is a fairly old setting that got revamped by Wizards a few years back. The Big Mistake happened some time before our setting, a science experiment gone wrong that made the multiverse crash into itself, thus causing every universe to exist simultaneously on the same plane. It did not go well.
It got based on DnD 4e, though you pick out a bunch of the rules and instead of classes, you roll twice on a chart of origins. That’s what your character is and does. Go with it from there, long as those two things are involved. People have rolled hivemind swarms of kitten, time-traveling yetis, and demigod dinosaurs.

Our Party:
-a radioactive robot who steals human flesh to become more human
-a gentleman duelist octopus-mushroom
-a dead serious doppleganger who can unmake matter at will
-a hideous half spider, half hawk in a gas mask
-a giant roach with a terminal spore-based disease

A two-parter, possibly more to come. But here’s our session one, where the party happens upon a junkyard of a town being harassed by the local toughs. Lots of map-discussion cut out, so a bit short, and big on some bizarre combat.

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