Wrongclocks Inverse World Ep 4 – Roller Playing

Getting invested (in more way than one) into wall roller, the group tries to get their money for a ship by entering in a women’s tournament of airborne roller derby. Things get dicey as they arrange ways to cheat to the top, forge alibis, and then decide if the money is worth losing the tournament over.
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Wrongclocks Inverse World Ep 3 – Get Rich Quick

The crew pawns off their ship before it can be traced back to them, but it’s not enough to get them off the island. What’s a gang to do when they’re low on cash and on the gambling capital of Invels?
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Wrongclocks Inverse World Ep 2 – The Sky Heist

The gang puts their plan together and starts up a bit of kidnapping, a bit of cat-burglary, and a bit of outright theft to do what’s right. And get paid.
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Wrongclocks Inverse World Ep 1

A campaign set in Inverse World, the Dungeon World hack where the world is generally upside down. Flying islands circle a caged sun god, surrounded by a massive dome of stone overhead. A few friends, old and new, are gathered by a strange messenger to right a wrong in a city full of mail and fly the world of Invel to set it right (and get paid).
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Wrongclocks Apocalypse World

I ran us a game of Apocalypse World, though not without the occasional defeated sigh and shake of the head at things like “roll plus Hot” or “read a sitch” or “whenever you have sex with someone-” written in the rules. Still think it turned out alright, given the right setup (that no less than 10 apocalypses happened, and that remains of each of them wander the wastelands; more info for those curious about the world here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a0G … BOdNc/edit )

Toku – Bright Barb (The Hocus). spokeswoman, moderator, and neutral contact of The Council for the Unmitigated Union of a United Utopia. Does the legwork and necessary psychic communications between the small group of the wealthiest individuals of the wastelands. Hired on to lug a titanic gemstone back for some only slightly shady characters, but she’ll need a team!
Crazon – James Gremlin (The Driver). Jovial stunt driver for hire, up for anything dangerous for fun and profit. Best friends include a robot and his pickup Big Betty.
Library Dan/Eli – p-190N806 (The Synthetic). A towering robot with a single red lens for an eye and a badass sword arm. Very no-nonsense and lives by his two remaining orders: protect James and blow up the moon.
Max – Holstein “Glib” Glibglibglibglib etc (The Brainer). Spooky, hunched, muttering brainer obsessed with the minds of others. His psychic powers and “violater glove” make them highly accessible.

Monster of the Week: Golem? I barely knew ‘im! (Part 3)

Final episode (of this arc?) for the party. We got clues, we got leads, we got… horrible things revealed about Casey’s sword. We got a metaphorical and literal trail to to the golem and know where to punch it. it’s getting out in one piece that’s the hard part

Casey “@midnightangelslayer” Williams: The Chosen. Privelaged, attention-loving 15 year old. Dresses in raver/goth clothes and half-purple hair, minus any genuine problems or angst. Was given a magical sword carved from bone and told she’s the chosen one, which is so hardcore and badass that she’s WAY on board with this idea.

Isabella “Sika” Minami: The Initiate. Field agent from a secret mystical organization. Expert on ancient magics, voice of reason and insight, and combination guide, guardian, and teacher to Casey on her path to being the chosen one.

Tim “From Accounting” Williams: The Mundane. Casey’s cousin that she saved from demonic clowns once early in her slaying career. Tim has no powers or apparent association with the prophecies at all, but he does have a driver’s license, handguns, and some stupid luck.

Monster of the Week: Golem? I barely knew ‘im! (Part 2)

another ep as the gang gets some intel and has to camp out for the night

Casey “@midnightangelslayer” Williams: The Chosen. Privelaged, attention-loving 15 year old. Dresses in raver/goth clothes and half-purple hair, minus any genuine problems or angst. Was given a magical sword carved from bone and told she’s the chosen one, which is so hardcore and badass that she’s WAY on board with this idea.

Isabella “Sika” Minami: The Initiate. Field agent from a secret mystical organization. Expert on ancient magics, voice of reason and insight, and combination guide, guardian, and teacher to Casey on her path to being the chosen one.

Tim “From Accounting” Williams: The Mundane. Casey’s cousin that she saved from demonic clowns once early in her slaying career. Tim has no powers or apparent association with the prophecies at all, but he does have a driver’s license, handguns, and some stupid luck.

Monster of the Week: Golem? I barely knew ‘im! (Part 1)

lordy but that’s a lot of posts I’ve got on these parts of the forums… and most of the other parts…

anyways, we were short a man a few sessions this month, so we ran a slapdash game of Monster of the Week. A destined teen, her mystical guide, and her cousin the accountant on a road trip to hunt down monsters with a sword forged of inhuman bone and whatever spells they can sling at em. When people start disappearing and reporting massive damages in a camping area in the mountains, the crew arrives to ask all the wrong questions, argue amongst themselves, and generally turn a one-shot into a 3-parter due to character improv, mid-game character development, and starting playing 2-3 hours later than normal. All makes for silly, bite-sized sessions provided by Eli that I think you’ll enjoy.

Casey “@midnightangelslayer” Williams: The Chosen. Privelaged, attention-loving 15 year old. Dresses in raver/goth clothes and half-purple hair, minus any genuine problems or angst. Was given a magical sword carved from bone and told she’s the chosen one, which is so hardcore and badass that she’s WAY on board with this idea.

Isabella “Sika” Minami: The Initiate. Field agent from a secret mystical organization. Expert on ancient magics, voice of reason and insight, and combination guide, guardian, and teacher to Casey on her path to being the chosen one.

Tim “From Accounting” Williams: The Mundane. Casey’s cousin that she saved from demonic clowns once early in her slaying career. Tim has no powers or apparent association with the prophecies at all, but he does have a driver’s license, handguns, and some stupid luck.

Dungeon World: Rise of the Runelords Session 2

Our Party:
Alex: Oslow, human dashing hero. swashbuckling lover of women, wine, and himself
Sean: Pollox, human fighter. down to earth hired muscle with a badass polearm
Greg: Grummmblby Snowshoe: halfling druid. jolly little fellah with ram horns and a tendency to turn into beasts of the arctic as is convenient.
Angela: Helil, orc ranger. no-nonsense outsider with a massive wolf named Puppy (this is both ironic and as it is not fully grown)
Max: Lyralei, human elementalist. traveling scholar who hired Pollox, and can speak to and command metal

Dungeon World: Rise of the Runelords Session 1

so Eli/Librarydan had a lot of talk about running Rise of the Runelords some day, a Pathfinder scenario. after a while, we discovered the Powered By Apocalypse games, or the _____ World systems. Eli has basically sworn a bloodoath to these games as his master, and rapidly modded the entire campaign to be useable in Dungeon World, where everything is 2d6, the GM never touches dice, and your every move is an ambiguous if/then statement.

Our Party:
Alex: Oslow, human dashing hero. swashbuckling lover of women, wine, and himself
Sean: Pollox, human fighter. down to earth hired muscle with a badass polearm
Greg: Grummmblby Snowshoe: halfling druid. jolly little fellah with ram horns and a tendency to turn into beasts of the arctic as is convenient.
Angela: Helil, orc ranger. no-nonsense outsider with a massive wolf named Puppy (this is both ironic and as it is not fully grown)
Max: Lyralei, human elementalist. traveling scholar who hired Pollox, and can speak to and command metal