MaOCT: Mumble Road Trip Session X: Night of the Living Roadkill

With the Road Trip crew receiving their last post card, it seems like that campaign’s drawing to a close. Not to object, given all the good times it’s had, but if you’ve read the book, there’s some untapped potential there. In the final stretches of the book, there are 2 pit stops presented for DM use. They’re basically the equivalent of The Frogs of War and the Grinning Man arcs of the podcast; not part of saving the world, but something crazy on the side. Realizing that the podcast wouldn’t be using it, I decided to run that part as a one-shot.

Night of the Living Road Kill takes place in the middle of a fake campaign of Road Trip, thrown together when we were bored last week and shy a few players for anything regular. I wanted to run it because of it being a bite-sized and fun scenario, and with a neat mechanic at the end for how a whacky mystery-solving chase scene would work in Monsters.

Rachel (Callum/Freepork); the third wheel of the popular girls. Secretly isn’t that popular and likes geeky things.
Dorothy (eli): Rachel’s monster, a gigantic spider with the dress and personality of a kindly old lady

Ashley (eli): kind of hyper kid way into zombie movies and bustin’ heads
Matryoshka (callum): a man-sized wooden doll within a wooden doll within etc. Represents the crone, the mother, the maiden, and the baby, each with their own personality and feuding to be the one on the outside.

MaOCT: Mumble Road Trip Session 2

Beheading Cool Rat, or Uncivil Engineer
Sucrose Park and Sunny Vale. The kids wind up in Cool Rat’s play prison, and don’t hesitate to raise some ruckus and make a few friends. After that, it’s off to Sunny Vale, to rob a diner, rob a mechanic, do a B&E on Zoltron and jump to a few conclusions.

MaOCT: Mumble Road Trip Session 1

between some spare time and the urge to run it anyway, started up our own version of Road Trip with Freepork and Librarydan

Rachel and Dorothy: the third wheel popular girl, closet geek. Dorothy is her bus-sized granny spider with knitting needle legs

Lee and Matryoshka Doll: dirty-fighting kid way into modern tech, video games, and zombies (mostly killing them). His monster is a series of wooden dolls inside eachother vying for position based on the Crone (a bully of a witch), Mother (stern and bossy figure), Maiden (singing and prancing naive girl), and Child (big-eyed baby who speaks in racist Russian)